It is with great pleasure and pride that we announce that Atari User, issue 18, is out. This issue we pay tribute to Jack Tramiel who sadly passed away in April, and we kick off the celebrations for Atari's 40th anniversary.
Some of what is inside this issue:
- Jack Tramiel Tribute
- The Toys Jack Built
- Atari At 40
- Ghostbusters - Atari at the movies
- ST Coin-Op Conversions
- In-Dev - our regular homebrew column
- Reviews including Rip Off (Atari 7800), Plan B (XL/XE), Tube (Jag CD) and much more.
This issue is available to purchase from
Atari User , and print editions are available from and
Magcloud . For those of you interested in a print edition, the lulu edition is black and white with full color cover, and the Magcloud edition is full color glossy throughout.
Next issue we'll be running a special feature on the mother of all consoles, the Atari 2600.