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Sunday, April 1, 2012

Atari User Issue 17 is here!

This issue we look at the Atari Megafile for the Atari ST, check out the Portfolio Smart Parallel Interface and review The Battle Of Britain and STAC (the ST adventure creator) for the Atari ST. We look at how close we came to seeing an Atari branded Megadrive, check out more ST coin-op conversions and take a detailed look at another month in Atari history.

Also this issue a masterclass in DOS XE for the XL/XE,we look at the various football games released on the Atari platforms, and check out Hi-Tec software and their 8-bit releases. Lots more inside including reviews for the Atari 2600, 7800, Jaguar, Lynx, Jaguar CD and Atari 8-bit.

Print editions are available from Lulu & Magcloud. PDF available from .

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