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Wednesday, August 24, 2011 atari enthusiast posts brief statement

Some believed the story wasn't true, but now the website has been updated with a brief statement from the domain holder and long time Atari enthusiast Andrew Davie.

Following a 'request' from Atari Legal's lawyer to hand them this domain, and to show my good faith and intentions with regard to their trademark and claims thereof... I have removed all content of this site. I'm a bit of a retro-gaming nut. Over the 11 years I've 'owned' this domain, the site was used as a personal/hobbyist site for my interest in '2600 homebrew programming. It's variously been used to promote my '2600 game Qb (2001-2003), my extensive tutorials on '2600 programming, as a domain for the '2600 programmers' [stella] mailing list (2004-2010) and more recently linking to some of my videos and demos for the platform. The '2600 platform has been near and dear to my heart for a long time.

Reports also of Atari behind a take down notice issued against the Droid800 emulator project


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